Add New Agent
The agent is the component that establishes connectivity between BI Hub and BI platform.
The first step involved in setting up BI Hub is creating agents and the instances necessary to connect with BI platforms.
Multiple instances of BI Hub agents are required for load balancing and high availability purposes.#
Adding the Agent/InstancesFrom the application pane on the left, select Agent Manager.
Agent Manager
Select the Agent Manager tab and then click Add Agent at the top right corner.

Add new agent
- Enter Agent Name ( This can be any relevant name ), Server, and Port number.
Server and Port number must be the same that was entered while installing the agents. ( Refer BI Hub Installation Guide - Port Requirements for your reference).
- Click Continue.
In the next Add Agent screen, fill in the instance details.
Add instance details
Attributes will be accepted depending on the agent type being added. For example: BOBJ agent instance attributes are different from the Qlik agent instance.
For easy maintenance, the Port number must be entered in the same series as that of the agent.
For example; If the agent is at 12100, then the instances must be in 12101,12102,... series.
Agent and the Instances on the similar Port number and Port series
The Tool-tips provide necessary guidance and show screenshots of the BI platform with the values.
Click Submit to add the instance or click Submit & Add New Instance to add another instance of the same agent.
The Status indicator against each agent represents the agent's health. Following is the color-coding indicating the status of the Agent and BI Platform:
- Green : active
- Red : inactive - You must Start the Instance.
- Orange : The Agent is active but the BI platform is inactive or it cannot reach the platform. You must restart the Agent's Instance Service from the backend Server.
- Yellow: Authentication Pending applicable only for PowerBI and Onedrive agents.
- In the Actions column, you can Stop (
)/Restart (
) the instance.
After all the agent instances are successfully created, return to the Agent Manager screen to view the status and details of all agents.

Agent Manager with list of Agents installed and their details
✅ Agents are now installed and are in the running state.
Next StepsImport (Sync) users from BI platform into BI Hub portal for the added agents (or all agents). You can sync users from the Agent Manager screen or from Authentication Manager screen.
Further Steps- Agent Configuration with BI Platform
Next, Configure the BI Platform and make a trusted connection between respective BI Hub Agent(s) and its BI Platform.