Theme Tab
The Settings > Theme Tab is used to create corporate themes and apply them to BI Hub.

In the Theme Tab, the Admin can configure the following attributes:
Theme ColorIn this section, you can select the Theme color for the entire BI Hub Screen.
For better visibility, the Contrast Ratio should be set to 4.5:1 or greater than that. For further details you can click the help icon ( ).

Select Save.

BI Hub Screen with changed Theme Color
Header CustomizationUse this setting to select the required logo for the BI Hub screen.
In the Header Customization > Logo section, select Choose File.
Navigate and browse the logo file and select Open.
You can also select the logo by browsing the respective URL as shown below:

Logo updated on the BI Hub screen
- You can also select a different Header Color and Header Content Color for the BI Hub screen.
For a better visibility the Contrast Ratio should be set to 4.5:1 or greater than that.

Selected Header and Header Content Color applied
Login PageIn this section, you can set a logo for the Login page.
In the Login Page section, select Choose File.
Browse and select the logo file and select Open.
Select logo for the Login Page
Login Page with selected Logo
FaviconUse the Favicon settings to edit the icon in the Browser tab of BI Hub application.
Select Choose File. Browse and select the logo file and select Open.

Browse a Favicon logo file

Favicon applied in the Browser Tab
To edit the browser tab header, enter a name in the Tab Title box.

Browser Tab Header Name settings
To restore the default theme settings, select Reset to default at the end of the screen.