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Power BI Admin Authentication Configuration

To configure Power BI, We need to set the application in Azure Active Directory.

This application will be the communication point for the PowerBIAgent. All calls to the Microsoft APIs will be made on behalf of this application.


This guideline assumes that the user has a tenant in Azure. If the tenant is not present, please refer to How to set up an Azure tenant for steps to acquire a tenant.


Contact the Active Directory Administrator to perform the following steps as some of the actions will require administrator consent.

Power BI agent requires oAuth authentication for both admin and users.

There are 3 main steps to configure Power BI agent:

  1. Set up the Application in Azure
  2. Create the Application Secret
  3. Configure Permissions for the Application

Set up the Application in Azure#

  • Open the Azure portal >

  • Go to Azure Active Directory > App registrations > New registration.

    Azure Application Registration

    Azure new application registration

  • Set Name, Supported account types, and Redirect URI of the application:

    Application Registration

    Application Registration


The type should be Native and the Redirect URI must be formatted as https://servername:port/Redirect

  • Click Register.

Note the Application (client) ID upon successfully registering the application.

Application registered

Application registered

  • Provide the Application (client) ID under the key userclientid in the configuration of SharePoint in BI Hub.
  • Click on the newly created Application and go to Authentication.


  • Select the tokens to be issued at authorization endpoints and also choose the supported account types.
Authentication access tokens

Authentication access tokens

Create the Application Secret#

  • Go to Azure Portal > Azure Active Directory > App registrations and click on your application.

  • Navigate to Certificates & Secrets and click on New Client secret to add a new key.

    User client secret setup

    User client secret setup

  • Specify a Description and Expiry duration for client secret and click Add.

    Client Secret

    Client secret submission

The UserClient secret is added and the value is displayed. Provide this under the key "USERCLIENTSECRET" during the configuration of Sharepoint agent in BI Hub

Copy the client Secret

Copy the Client secret ID


Copy the client secret value. You will not be able to retrieve it after you perform another operation or leave this blade. If failed to note down the value, please repeat the step Set up the application in Azure to create a new key.

Configure Permissions for the Application#

The application requires some permission-level actions on behalf of the user.

  • Go to Azure portal > Azure Active Directory > App registrations.
  • Click on your application and select API permissions.
  • Click Add a permission.
  • Map the permissions for the APIs referring to the table below for Microsoft Graph API, Windows Azure Active Directory API and Microsoft Power BI API.
APIPermissionsAccess Details
Microsoft GraphProfileView Users Basic Profile
EmailView Users Email Address
Group.Read.AllRead All Groups
User.Read.AllRead all users' full profile
Microsoft Azure Active DirectoryDirectory.Read.AllRead Directory Data
Group.Read.AllRead All Groups
User.Read.AllRead All Users' full profiles
User.ReadSign in and read user profile
Directory.AccessAsUser.AllAccess the directory as the signed-in user
Power BI ServiceDashboard.Read.AllView All Dashboards
Dataset.Read.AllView all datasets
Metadata.View_AnyView Content Properties
Report.Read.AllView All Reports
Group.Read.AllView All Groups
Group.ReadView User's Group
App.Read.AllView All PowerBI Apps
Capacity.Read.AllView all capacities
Tenant.Read.AllView All content in tenant
Workspace.Read.AllView all workspaces
  • Click Save and then click Grant Permissions to delegate the permissions to the service account.
Permissions to be given

Permissions granted

The permissions must be given to the BI Hub Power BI Agent service account:

  • Office 365 Global Administrator
  • Power BI Service Administrator