QlikSense Platform Configuration
Follow the below steps to Generate Qliksense Certificates:
Log in to Qlik Sense QMC as an Administrator.
In the Configure System menu on the left, click Certificates.
In the Certificates generation window click Add machine name.
- Select Platform Independent PEM-format in the Export file format for certificates drop-down list.
- Fill in the other additional optional fields.
- Click Export certificates.
- The certificate files will be generated and will be exported to the location shown in that form itself.
Here is a list of the files that will be generated-
- client.pem
- client_key.pem
- root.pem
- server.pem
- server_key.pem
- Copy and paste these certificate files in the
<installation location>/TRUSTED
These certificate files are needed to start the Qliksense agent.