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General Tab

On the General page, you can configure general settings for the application such as navigation panel, password security, user-specific sync reports, Elastic search, and other customizations.

Admin page's general settings

General Settings on the admin page


To customize the Navigation Panel for other users, the super Admin can:

  • Drag to rearrange the navigation menus by selecting the drag and order ( ) icon.
  • Rename the navigation labels by selecting the edit ( ) icon.
  • Enable/disable the navigation menus with the ON/OFF toggle.

The navigation menu for all users will appear in the order and with the names as set by an admin in this section.

Security - Password Strength Validator#

Admin can set the native user password strength validator under Settings > General > Security section. The values can be set to "Low/Medium/High" (Tooltip in the app provides the details of the security settings).

Any new user created must adhere to the password validation rules to set the new password string.

User Specific-Report Sync#

To enable/disable the Sync Reports feature for the users in their BI Hub profile, toggle ON/OFF the following permissions:

User Specific-Report Sync

User Specific - Report Sync

Sync ReportsEnable user specific report synchronization in the user mode
Auto Sync ReportsEnable user specific report auto synchronization in the user modeSync Reports
Refresh TimeNumber of days after which automatic synchronization to be triggered (default value = 7)Sync Reports > Auto Sync Reports

Sync reports Permissions and dependencies


An upgrade from BI Hub version 2.7.0 to 2.7.1 requires you to refresh (turn OFF and then back ON) the Sync Reports toggle. This is needed for the Elasticsearch index to be rebuilt.


By default the Search section allows users to search and request the reports they do not have access to.

To hide listing the inaccessible reports, turn OFF the Show Inaccessible reports toggle here.

When users search for the reports, the Inaccessible reports would be visible or hidden based on the selection made by the Admin.

Inaccessible Reports

Inaccessible Reports view


By default, the Show Agent Instance is enabled for each report for all the users. To hide the agent instance, turn OFF this toggle.

Report with Instance Agent Display

Report with Instance Agent name displayed


You allow users to open all report/URl in a new browser tab, toggle ON the Launch Reports In New Tab option.

Launch Reports In New Tab

Launch Reports In New Tab

  • When you enable this option, by default Open Report in new tab is enabled for the users when they log in for the first time.
  • The user can later choose to enable/disable this option from Settings > Customization Settings section.

User customized settings take precedence over customizations done by Admin.

Elastic Search#

To re-build the elastic search from the scratch for all the reports in BiHub, click the Reindex button.

Launch Reports In New Tab