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BI Hub Application overview

BI Hub is used only for viewing reports and it cannot be used to create/modify/delete reports. Those tasks will have to be done from the BI platform. Most of the features explained in this guide are launched from the application pane after the user/admin does a successful login.

Admin Menu

Admin sidebar menus

Following are the modules displayed in the application side panel:

  • Admin Home Page: Admin's Dashboard with configuration summary of Instances, Authentication, and Components Synchronization Information.
  • Agent Manager: Agent/Instance and Cluster management.
  • User manager: Group/user management, permissions assignment, and map reports to the users.
  • Authentication: Manage different authentication types and sync users.
  • Audit: Audit BI Hub platform usage.
  • Reports: Hub/Platform reports classifications.
  • User Requests: User's reports access summary.
  • Settings: Configure BI Hub for all users.

First-time Login#

BI Hub administrator-mode and user-mode uses the same product URL and depending on the login (as admin or user name) appropriate modules of the application are rendered.

  • After launching the product, the administrator can log in to the application by entering the user ID as bihubadmin and password as password.
  • A Set Admin Password screen pops up during the first login to accept a new password.

Note: An admin logins with the authentication type set as Native; whereas users login with authentication type set as Microsoft AD/LDAP, or SSO Login. Refer the Authentication section more details.

Forgot Password#

To recover a lost password or reset password for security reasons, an administrator can use the Change Password utility.