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Platform Folders

The reports are initially added by a Server admin from the backend into the BI Platform. The Server admin then manages groups/users and assigns reports access to them.

Add To Hub Folders#

You can classify the reports in 2 ways:

  1. Navigate to the listed Platform folders, and select Add to Hub Folders.

    Add to Hub Folders

    Select and add reports to Hub Folders

  2. Search for the reports across all the platforms, and select Add to Hub Folders.

    Search and add to Hub Folders

    Search and add reports to Hub Folders

From the list of already added Hub Folders, select the location you want to move the reports to. Select Add Here.

Upload Report's Metadata using csv#

In addition to classifying reports functionally, you can upload metadata of the reports in .csv format. The screenshot below, displays the list of metadata attributes:

Report's metadata attributes

Report's metadata attributes

Sample CSV File

Hub Folders column denotes the Hub Folders path in BI Hub

  • To upload your report's metadata, select Upload.
  • Navigate to the .csv file and select Open.

Download Metadata#

You can download the metadata of a single report or multiple report(s).

  • Select the report(s) and select Download.

This extracts all the attributes of the reports to a CSV file which can be updated by the administrator with the help of business owners and administrators of those BI platforms.


You can edit the Hub Folders location path of the reports by editing the "Hub Folder" column in the .csv file.

If the folder is available in Hub Folders Tab, then the reports are moved into that folder. If the Hub Folder does not exist, a folder will be created in that name and the reports will be placed under that folder.

Sync Metadata#

You can also import metadata for the selected reports only from the BI Platform into BI Hub. To do so, select the reports and then select Sync Metadata.

Sync Metadata

Sync Metadata for the selected reports

Report Details#

To view more details of any report, navigate to the report's path and select the details icon ( ) next to the report.

Report Details Pane

Report Details fetched from BI Platform

Report Thumbnails#

Each report can be given a unique thumbnail to identify it easier. Select the upload icon ( ) next to the selected report.

Select & Upload Image

In the Image tab, you can Upload Image or Delete Image.

The thumbnail uploaded by the admin above will get displayed for the respective report(s) when the user logs-in

Reports Display in User Login

Thumbnail view of the reports in the User mode

If there is no thumbnail uploaded for a report, then a default image will be shown.

Custom Fields#

Custom fields are the user-defined fields created by the admin to describe the reports.

Navigate to the desired report and select the Details ( ) icon or the Edit ( ) icon.

  • Select Custom Fields.

    Custom Fields

    Custom Fields

  • Enter the desired value for the custom fields(attributes) and select Submit.

To indicate if the report is compatible with the mobile devices, set the Mobile Enabled attribute to True.

Report's History#

To view the edit history on a report, select the History tab in the Report's details page.

Reports History

Edit history of a report

Select Submit to save your changes.