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User Dashboard

In User Dashboard Tab, you have Dashboard Settings and Custom Dashboard panels.

Dashboard Settings#

In Dashboard Settings, you have four different options as listed below:

User Dashboard Tab Settings

User Dashboard Tab Settings

  1. Embed Report in User Dashboard: When enabled with the toggle "ON", will load the reports live inside the thumbnail in tile view:

    Dashboard Page
  2. Number of Allowed Report: Set the count of reports that can be added in the dashboard. The range for the Number of Allowed Report should be between 1 to 24.

  3. Allow user to change dashboard order preference: If enabled, the users will be able to change their dashboard order preference. They can swap the tabs in the HOME page using the icon-swap ( ) icon.

  4. Enable My Dashboard for Users: If set to "ON", the My Dashboard page will be enabled for the users.

Custom Dashboard#

In the Custom Dashboard panel, an admin can create a Dashboard for the user(s) and embed the reports for the user view in the Dashboard.

Custom Dashboard - Add Dashboard#

To create a new Dashboard, select Add Dashboard:

Add Dashboard option

Add a Custom Dashboard

In the User Dashboard screen, enter the Dashboard Name, Description for the Dashboard, and select the users/groups to share the dashboard with.

User Dashboard screen

Select Next.

Next to add reports to this new Custom Dashboard, select ADD REPORT.

Custom Dashboard Panel with Sales Dashboard

In the Add Report panel on the right-hand side, pick and select the reports. The chosen reports will be added to the dashboard.

  • Once you finish adding the reports to the new Custom Dashboard, select Save at the top-right corner.

  • To make the new Dashboard visible for all the users, you must select Publish at the top-right corner of the screen.

    Custom Dashboard

    Custom Dashboards

  • The Details icon gives a summary of the Dashboard settings.

    Sales Dashboard Details Page

    Sales Dashboard Details Page

  • To delete a Dashboard, select the Delete ( ) icon to next to the Dashboard.


If you delete all the reports, an empty Dashboard will be created and will be set to unpublished by default.

Empty Dashboard alert warning

Empty Dashboard alert

Custom Dashboard - Edit Dashboard#

To edit any Custom Dashboard, select the Edit ( ) icon next to the Dashboard.

You can edit the Dashboard Name, Description, and Share with option. Select Update to save your changes.

Custom Dashboard - Manage Reports#

To add/remove reports from a dashboard, select the Dashboard and then select Manage Reports.

Manage Dashboard using check box and link
  • To add more reports, select ADD REPORT and select the reports.
  • To remove any report from the dashboard, hover over the report and select Delete.

Select Save.

To re-order the Dashboards, select the drag-and-drop ( ) icon in the Custom Dashboard panel.