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Add a New User#

  • Click Add User at the top-right corner.

    Add User option

    Add User

  • Enter Fullname, and select:

    • Native to add a user who will be authenticated by BI Hub (because the user is currently authenticated by BI platforms and not AD). OR
    • Windows AD to add a user who will be authenticated by Windows AD.
  • Click Continue.

    Select Agent(s)

    Select Agent(s)

  • Select the agent to be added for the user and the corresponding username. Click Add to include more agents.

  • Click Submit when you are finished adding the agent(s).

The added user will be reflected in the User Manager's list.

To synchronize reports for this user, one of the following actions can be performed:

Add Users from other BI Platforms#

An Admin can map users who have different user names across BI Platforms into one BI Hub user as follows:

  • Go to User Manager.

The users added previously (either from Section Synchronize Users between Agent and BI Hub or Synchronize Microsoft AD users with BI Hub) will be listed.

  • Select the user and click Edit, and then click Add.

    • From the drop-down list boxes, select the appropriate Agent name and User name. ( To search a user name, start typing the name in the drop-down box. )
      Edit User

      Edit User

  • Click Update.

  • Now the BI Hub user chosen in the User Manager page has been mapped to the user name from the BI platform. Repeat the steps until users of all BI platforms are mapped. Next, proceed with the Synchronize reports of Users section.

Edit User#

A Power user can edit user settings such as Agent Users, Authentication, and group Membership.

Select the user and click Edit.

Add a new Agent#

To add a new agent, select the Agent Users tab and click Add.

Manage Agents

Manage Agents added to a user

Select the agent name from the drop-down list, and a username.

To delete the agent(s), click the Delete ( ) icon next to the agent.

Edit the Authentication type for a user#

In the Authentication tab, select and edit the Authentication type.

Edit Authentication

Edit Authentication

Add/remove a user to/from a Group#

In the Membership tab:

  • Add and select a Group to add the user to the group.

  • Click Remove against a Group's name to remove the user from the assigned group.

    Group Management

    Manage User's Groups

Edit the Password of BI Hub (Native) authenticated user#

To reset the lost BI Hub password, the user must request a change password email to BI Hub Admin. The BI Hub Admin must take the following steps to set the password to a generic one:

  • Go to User Manager.

  • Select the user whose password is to be edited and click Edit.

  • In the Edit User screen, click the Authentication tab and expand the Native option. Enter a new password and click Update.

    Reset Native password

    Reset Native user Password

An email notification is triggered to the user with the new password. When the user logs in to the BI Hub application, the user will be prompted to change the password that was reset by BI Hub admin.


If a user wants to reset the Windows AD password, then the user must approach the Windows AD administrator.

Delete User#

Delete the entire user information and the user’s reports from the application.

Delete User

Delete a user

Add Reports to an existing User#

To manually add selected reports to a user, an admin can visit this User Manager > Manage Reports section.


If admin syncs the reports from the Agent Manager section, then the reports selected here will be over-ridden by all the reports.

  • In the User Manager screen, select the user and click Manage Reports.

    Agent User Mapping

    Agent User Mapping

A list of agents configured for the user will be displayed on the left, and assigned reports on the right.

  • Click on the agent name, and then click Add/Remove Reports.

Refer the Troubleshooting section if the agent is down/inactive.

  • A list of unassigned reports will be on the left and assigned reports on the right.
    Assigning Reports
  • Select the reports or folders in the Unassigned Reports pane and click Move that moves the reports in the Assigned Reports section.

The Search Reports on the top-right can be used to search for reports in both Assigned and Unassigned columns.

The breadcrumb on the top sets the context by displaying BI Hub user name > Agent Name > BI platform user name.

  • To remove the reports displayed under an agent, select the reports or folders in the Assigned Reports pane and click Remove.

Once you complete the reports assignment, a message pops up on the screen: "Action Completed Successfully".

Click Back to assign/unassign reports for the other agents against the same user.

Next Steps#

To complete the manual assignment of reports to BI Hub, select User Manager > Sync Metadata.

Sync Metadata

Sync Metadata

To make the reports accessible upon searching, it is important that you must run "Sync Metadata".


  1. If there are no Unassigned Reports listed in the left-hand side panel, contact your Platform admin for report access. If the reports are still not visible, kindly contact the BI Hub Support Team by raising a ticket in the support portal or by sending an email to

  2. To access the reports for OneDrive and sharePoint agents, users must also verify their login credentials under the User Settings page.

  3. If the Agent is down/inactive, the Reports cannot be retrieved. An Alert Message is displayed as shown below:

    Reports in disabled status

    Reports in disabled status

    You must Start the Instance from the Agent Manager screen.