Custom URL
This page describes how to create a Custom URL, that is a shortcut to another website.
Add a New URLSelect the Reports menu from the left navigation pane.
Select the Platform Folders tab
Click + Add, and then select New URL.
The Add URL page has 4 tabs - Details, Thumbnail, Custom Fields, and History.
URL DetailsGeneral URL details with the following fields:

Add a new url
Name: A title for the URL
Description: Short detail describing your url.
Share with All (or) particular User/Group - Based on the respective selection, the Custom URL details can be viewed by all the users or specific users.
Enable the Live Embed option, to view the loading page of the custom URL as a thumbnail in the Home Page of the User screen.
Custom URL preview screen with Live embed option enabled vs disabled
When Live Embed is disabled, then the custom URL is displayed as a customized image or report thumbnail based on the settings.
Enable the Launch in New Tab option, to open the report in a new browser tab.
Customize the URL ThumbnailIn the Thumbnail tab you can customize the report preview screen.

Edit the Thumbnail
Edit the Custom FieldsYou can edit the custom fields attributes for the URL.

Custom Fields
URL HistoryIn the History tab, you can track the URL edits such as who did what change and at what time.

History of changes
Select Submit to save your changes and create the URL.
The Custom URL is now listed in the Platform Folders.

Custom URL in Platform Folders
Once the URL is created, you can also add the URL to Hub Folders. The URLs created by admin will be viewed by BIHub users in the BI Platform pane.
You can use the shortcut icons next to the URL to view report details (), upload the thumbnail (
), and edit (
) the URL details.